Optimization of IT Systems with Kubernetes at Michelin

Challenge :

Michelin, in its project to establish a “Container as a Service” (CaaS) platform, aimed to provide Kubernetes environments to host the majority of its applications. The challenge lay in the adoption and effective integration of Kubernetes within the company's Information Systems Department.

Solution :

    Supporting the Michelin CaaS team from the beginning of the platform. Providing in-depth expertise in cloud architecture and Kubernetes. Helping in the construction, implementation and maintenance of the platform.


    Michelin has successfully implemented a robust and efficient CaaS platform. The platform is now a central element of the IS, facilitating the rapid adoption of Kubernetes technologies. The project has strengthened Michelin's agility and operational efficiency in management of its IT applications.

This case illustrates how Agaetis, thanks to its expertise in Big Data and IoT architectures, helped Michelin adopt and take full advantage of Kubernetes technology.

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Since then, we've recruited dozens of technology professionals, faster than ever. Recruit staff are professional, knowledgeable and efficient. No need to look elsewhere.

Chris Evening

DSI Nantes Hospital Center

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